Feedback Company

What does this look like in practice?

The moment the guest has enjoyed the various on-site activities, you can thank the guest for the visit from Nostium. It is important that your company ensures that the guest had a pleasant experience. Nostium sends a customer satisfaction survey by e-mail on behalf of the Feedback Company. The guest can then share their experience, which provides valuable information within Feedback Company’s platform. This allows you as a company to gain even more insights to optimize the guest experience.

Benefits of integrating with Feedback Company


Automatic feedback collection

After the visit, Nostium automatically emails a customer satisfaction survey on behalf of the Feedback Company.


Valuable insights

Guest feedback provides valuable information within Feedback Company's platform, and can be viewed there.


Optimize guest experience

With the feedback collected, you can make targeted improvements and further optimize the guest experience.

What do other customers say about using this integration?

"More peace, more time for hospitality"

Customer name


Want to know more about Nostium and this solution?

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