Online reservation system for boules

Nostium is the system for making sure your boules are offered perfectly.

Nostium is the reservation system specifically designed for bocce ball

Our reservation system Nostium not only offers a wide range of activities, but also focuses on specific requirements when organizing these activities, such as providing and setting up your bocce courts to your liking. With Nostium, you can combine any activity into a complete package. Thanks to a unique algorithm, Nostium can meet your exact needs, making the offering flawless and giving guests an optimal experience.

reserveringssysteem nostium

Why offer through Nostium?


Each job perfectly laid out

Within Nostium's reservation platform, you can easily set up each bocce court based on its capacity and desired layout. In this way, we contribute to optimal planning.


Additional options

If, while playing boules, you would also like to offer the guest a snack or drink, you can do so while booking. Add the options by activity and have the guest reserve them right along with the activity.


Complete packages

Nothing is more fun than organizing a day out and seeing guests leave satisfied. That's why Nostium allows you to offer complete packages directly, including bocce and additional activities.

Online everything offered perfectly

By using Nostium, you will have a reservation system that is responsive on both the guest side and the employee side. The applied algorithm provides the guest with an overview of the activities and packages available on site, including availability and the ability to book them directly online. All reservations are displayed on a clear planning board, allowing staff to know exactly what is going to happen when. In addition, employee reservations automatically apply the same locations, so you can build on and trust Nostium within your organization.

Let our reservation system connect to your...

POS system, activity management or any other application you can use our reservation information for: at Nostium, we believe in the power of collaboration with other parties who excel in their field. Our reservation system can communicate valuable data, creating a way of working that fits perfectly with your business. As a result, both your staff and guests are informed at every step and the systems connect seamlessly. Want to know who we work with, how we do it, and perhaps more importantly, what we can offer? Then take a look at our integrations.

"Our monthly costs are now only about ten percent of what we were paying before."


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